

Order of Saint Luke

To study healing through prayer and to provide intercessory prayer for those in need; To be a resource to parishioners to bring them to a closer relationship with God through the power of healing prayer.

Activities: To engage in ongoing study
To attend meetings
To be Lady Chapel prayer partners
To answer prayer requests

Service times: Flexible. 10:15 a.m. Sunday Eucharist service once a month, Saturday 5:00 p.m. Eucharist service once a month, Quarterly meetings.

Contact: Barbara MacKenzie 561-585-9557


Daughters of the King

St. Margaret of Scotland Chapter of the Daughters of the King. The DOK meets on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am. On the second Sunday, the DOK banner is carried in the processional and a Daughters read the readings and Prayers of the People and Daughters sit together in Corporate Communion.

Monthly meetings are held the second Saturday of each month from 10-11:30 am.

We are available at both Sunday services for private prayer in the Lady Chapel and have noticed an increase in the number of people requesting prayer.

Daughters host the Coffee Hour on the second Sunday of every month. A monthly confidential prayer list is prayed every day by all Daughters and prayers are available for urgent needs.  For information on becoming a Daughter contact Merrilene Peramune, President.

Contact: Merrilene Peramune  561-810-7034

Lay Eucharist Ministers (LEMS)

To help all of St. Joseph’s family to feel included, cared for, and nourished. To promote healing through the sacrament. Bring communion to those who cannot attend church Activities: Receive sanctified bread and wine from priest during service Travel to private homes, hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers; Conduct brief service to administer communion to those who are ill, recovering from surgery or accident, or otherwise homebound Visit with persons receiving communion if/as their condition permits Clean and put away vessels and other items used during service Log service in Register of Church Services Service times: Visit can be made after any service time, upon arrangement with person being visited.

Contact: Barbara MacKenzie 561-523-6881


Lay Anointing Ministers (LAMS)

To assist the Rector by providing additional opportunities for parishioners of Saint Joseph’s to receive prayers for healing and anointing of the sick. Activities: Participate in the Saturday Healing Service and be available for those wishing to receive prayer and anointing. Be available to visit parishioners at home, hospital, assisted living facilities or nursing homes to bring communion and anointing to those who wish to receive. During Sunday services assist with prayers for those requesting special prayers and anointing for special intentions.

Contact: Barbara MacKenzie 561-585-9557

Liturgical Ministers

The purpose of serving as a Liturgical Minister is to glorify God by assisting the priest(s) at this service. To serve as Deacon, Sub-Deacon, Chalice Bearer, Acolyte, Lector at Eucharistic Services.

Activities: For Deacon, to set table, gather offertory plates from ushers, chalice bearer and carry Gospel
For Sub-Deacon, to assist setting and cleaning of table, be pointer for Priest, reader of Prayers of the People, and chalice bearer
For Acolyte to assist setting and cleaning of table, bell ringer, and chalice bearer; To serve in positions of crucifer, torch bearers, bread and wine servers, and banner bearer.
For Lectors to read Old or New Testament reading

Service times: Eucharistic Sunday services; All types of services such as funerals, weddings, etc.

Contact: Barbara Wegner  561-313-9915


Serving as an acolyte is a wonderful way to experience our worship service and to grow in your commitment to God. This is an important ministry actively assisting at the altar in the worship of our God. Our youth in 3rd grade and above are eligible to serve as acolytes. Acolytes are trained to serve at God’s altar in various roles: banner bearers, crucifers, torch bearers.

There are four levels of acolytes:

Beginning Level- All new acolytes start at this level by learning how and when to carry the torches.
Junior Level- After much experience during services with torches new responsibilities will be added including lighting and extinguishing candles and accepting items from the ushers.
Senior Level-These acolytes have at least two years serving experience and will help with various parts of the Eucharist including such things as presenting the elements and ringing the bells.
Adults- These are experienced high school and adult acolytes.

Contact: Church office 561-732-3060

Altar Guild

The purpose of the Altar Guild is to provide a setting for worship and bring people closer to God by creating a reverent atmosphere. To prepare the altar and provide the rector with the physical items he needs to run his worship services.

Activities: Weekly clean candle snuffers,
Fill oil candles,
Check vestments to insure they are clean, replace candles
Wash, dry and iron all altar linens
Set up services on Saturday night, two Sunday AM services
and 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening service.
Clean all vessels and put them away
Assist Rector as needed for additional services

Service times: Every three weeks for one full week of service. Includes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday services, as well as the weekend.

Contact: Ruth Mayhew 561-737-3238